Mac Park - January 10-11-12 2025 - With Levi Day, David Johnson and more coaches TBA
This Event will be open pit lane on all 3 days
Coaching Days at Mac Park are a unique opportunity. Situated in Mount Gambier, South Australia, Mac Park is a club owned track and is a motorcycle only track. The 2.4km circuit runs in a clockwise direction with 12 turns. It is a reasonably tight track, very technical, but extremely rewarding when it all comes together! These days are tailored for all levels of motorcycle rider. Whether you are a road rider, looking to boost your confidence on the road, or want to try track riding in a controlled environment, to experienced racers, looking to find that edge to take your riding to the next level.
With any of our events, they are generally Fri-Sat-Sun. You do not have to do all 3 days, you can do any of the three. You can pick the options to do the day with or without 2 x One on One Coaching Sessions.
What all days include:
Track Demo in the morning. Something we have incorporated in our events since 2014. The track demo commences at 8:45am which allows a closer look at all the turns. It's surprising what you don't see when you are going full throttle around a circuit! We are able to see camber changes better, look at our racing lines, understand how and why body position is important and get a better understanding of why we want to be in a particular area on the track, to try and create that 'smoothness' we want as a rider. One of the coaches demonstrates 2-3 times per corner, while one of the other coaches explains why we approach the corner in this way.
Garage with power
Tea, Coffee and Water provided for all riders
Off Track Coaching, a coach floating around the pits discussing with each rider their individual riding and assisting them with techniques and tasks to work on, on track. Also doing off track discussions for riders to ask questions and throw ideas about in a group setting.
Track maps, for each rider to use and write down what they feel they are doing on track, and the off track coach can discuss any questions you may have on the track.
Open pitlane days have a maximum of 24 riders on for the day, allowing riders to come in and out at the time that suits them. Some riders prefer to do longer stints, while other riders may prefer to do smaller stints. This also allows riders who are working on bike setup, to come in and out as often as needed, without losing valuable track time, which is the most important thing, getting laps under your belt!
**Additional options**
2 x 1 on 1 Coaching sessions, where through out the day you get 2 sessions of 1 on 1 coaching on track. The coach will follow you for a few laps, and then get in front and allow you to follow them for a number of laps. This allows them to see what you are doing but also for you to then see any differences in what they are doing. The coach then brings you in for a detailed debrief and gives you tips on what to work on next. As our tips are individual to each person, the more open and honest you are about what you want to work on, the more we can help you! We can of course see things and find things for you to work on, but if you know you want to work on body position, or trail braking, for example, we can focus on this area. The second coach later in the day, can either continue working on this same area for you, or focus on something else.
Photos from Bec at Pitlane Studios are available on all events.
Tire Changing available on all events
Camping available at the circuit for $15 pet night (Mac Park Charge)